Hello guys, need your advice or experience.
For the buster mono (razor 42 inch ) with a 3060/12 and 12s2p5000mAh, I doubt between the G3 Vx 35C serie of hyperion and the Thunderpower G6 65C (or 45C) serie . Prop will be X455/X457??
Price from G3 Vx 35C and Thunderpower G6 65C is almost the same. I could also use the G6 45C series, is a little bit sheaper.
It concerns no SAW application, target is 6-8 minutes and speed minimum 80km/h ( better 90 or 95).
Hyperion claims that they reach 4 times more charge cycles than other cells from competion. Perhaps bla bla bla??
However, I am looking for a reliable cell - not critical, long life time. Run most of the time solo , no competition.
Should appreciate your advice very much.
Thanks for any info.
Regards from a rainy Belgium.