Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : La Furia V.1...setup infos

Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 08:54
Hi Guys

Here you can transfere your questions regarding your Furias.
Please, if possible to the text attache few pictures also.

ps. Im sorry, my deutsch is not as good as english.



Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 09:42
So here we go...

here are few pics about a Furia wich runs well.

Motor TS 2230/5 ,prop 38mm

IMPORTANT.... Distance between the transom and the propblade should reach 80mm!!!!! Less, the spped and the consumption are higher

Motor just behind the step V....

pics says more than words

Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 09:48
littlebit about the bottom

23.August.2010, 09:49
You were faster than I was...

Thank you very much!

Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 10:01

This yellow Fury runs with 2S lipo in vertical position,, the next setup--coming soon will use horizontal fixing.

Rear sprayrails 8x4mm, front 6x3mm finished with polyester putty.

Outer distance both 55mm

Keel modification... create 60x 10mm triangle front and rear also.

The Furia MUST have adjustable strut or power trim!!!!!!

The drill-hole center of strut:

1. sand the rear keel same time with the front one until you reach the 10mm width
2. drill the shaft hole 9mm from this surface in the transom

Thats all.


We have 2 different setups for the Fury,,, next setup coming soon.

Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 15:38

wenn haben sie fragen,,, keine hesitazion...



23.August.2010, 16:45
Peter - Thank you very much !!:prost:

Peter Kovac
23.August.2010, 19:27
So on the yellow Fury the center of shaft hole is:


42,3mm !!!!!

The Fury runs without any offset to right of the shaft!!!

Life is beauty:lol:full

Peter Kovac
25.August.2010, 08:36
Hi All

As I mentioned, here are the second setup...

On the white Fury the rear keel was modified to a long triangle- width 6mm on the transom.

The front keel was just slightly rounded approx R 1,00mm radius.

Rear sprayrails 4,5x4,5mm , front 5x2,5 without polyester putty finishing.

Used motor TS 2220/7 prop up to 39mm.

Lipo 2S fixed horizontal.


Peter Kovac
25.August.2010, 08:38
And some more dimensions:

Peter Kovac
25.August.2010, 08:46

Now I think you have enough "top secret" informations to setup the Fury and start to make your boat untouchable on the oval cours.

Sure, there are many good mono1 hulls around the market with better design, higher topspeed,,, but, the Furia was created to win and catch as much rounds during 6min as possible. Its not an SAW boat or a topmodell from the fashion scene.

Its an "Ovalpig".....:)...citation from Ingo

Peter Kovac
27.August.2010, 17:23
So here we go.

Dariusz the flying polishman tested his Fury first time.

Dariusz is the black horse, who "maybe" surprised the german competitors this year at the Prague Elektroregatta:lol:



28.August.2010, 23:06
yes this with bottom is very good my friend has orig. la furia and cant get speed because boat doesnt came out of water.
My mono lindenau has similar bottom and goes good.