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7.March.2010, 09:37

Ive been doing very many Suchen :)

Whats the best engine's for CT03?
Its very hard to buy Lehner here in Australia, very expensive.

Whats better?
2 x Plettenburg 370/50/A1s(825kv)
2 x Neu 2215 2y (750kv)

I want 150kph.
I have 2x Schultz 40.160
And will use Propshop 5518/3


7.March.2010, 10:00
Hi Ryan,

if you want to gp 150 kph i would prefer the Neu..

Plettenberg is ok for 120-130 kph if you want to go faster and empty the cells it will get problems with the cooling...

I would think about the Neu2215 1,5 Y with 1000 rpm, with 10s oder the 2y with 12s...


7.March.2010, 10:06
itīs hard to say, which motor is the best one. if you ask four people, what kind of motor they would prefere, you would get 4 different answers. for that reason, no one can give an anwser on this question.
But, i can tell you, what kind of motor i got in my ct 03, and Iīm verry happy and satisfied with this kind of setup.
i got an hpr ct 03 in carbon with:
lehner 3060/9
12s2p kokan 4000 h5 cells
schulze 40/160
props: octuras x457 (a little bit modified)
speed. with the octuras 150 but with abc 170.......

for me, that setup is nearly perfect. in the beginning i used the 3060/8 on 12s2p, but this was too hot for me.too much rpm. i had to go too much "half-throttel" because of the lake and some other conditions; but using the motors that way is not too good for them. they produce too much heat and you ar running them with a very bad effectiveness. the risk of damage was too high for me, thatīs why i bought the 3060/9. but even this motor is quite hot for me. just by using some "small" props i can ride the boat pretty save and fast for 6 minutes. thatīs okay for me. but if i had the chance to buy new motor, i would take the 3060/10.

thatīs what i can tell you about the use of lehner 3060 in a ct 03.

best regards: jens

7.March.2010, 16:24
Hi Ryan,

if you want to gp 150 kph i would prefer the Neu..

Plettenberg is ok for 120-130 kph if you want to go faster and empty the cells it will get problems with the cooling...

I would think about the Neu2215 1,5 Y with 1000 rpm, with 10s oder the 2y with 12s...


Youre right...but with PS5518 the speed is too high. Better to use the 2225-1Y/FF with Octura 6514 on 10S Lipo or Octura 5714 on 12S Lipo. I donīt recomment to use any of the ABC Props on a catamaran. The flip of the catamaran is inplemented in the props as we know from our expirience.


7.March.2010, 20:43
if you want to go a pricey way take 2 Scorpion 4035/800 , first test in a HPR185 were done with 4035/630 and had solved low 100 kph - here the thred http://www.rc-powerboat-forum.de/index.php?action=posts&site=1&fid=49&tid=8280 but momentareley its not possible to do further tests,so we have to wait until snow is gone.

Have fun

8.March.2010, 02:32
Thank you very much for info..
I will put something together going off this information.


Very much appreciated

8.March.2010, 13:30
In Downunder i think the Neu`s are "cheaper than in germany and Maybe considerable cheaper than the LMT`s.
Under your circumstances i think its the best way to choose the Neu`s.
But just because your intension ist to reach 150 kph.
Otherwise the scorpion are a verry good price/value decision but maybe a bit more difficult to handle(proper cooling is difficult!)and donīt forget they are lightweight stuff comparing to the alternitives loosing weight in such an easy way is an advantage imho.