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21.November.2009, 17:42
Please help me, which esc is better yge120 or hydra240 for hydro2?

If we leave difference in Ampere ,which is tehnicaly better?

21.November.2009, 20:09
Hello Alesz in my opinion the Hydra is the better choice.the Hydra is shure able to handle more power!One of the Hydro -B fellos actually uses this ESC (Arne Hold) in his Hydro and im fairly shure he is pretty sattisfied by the CC.

21.November.2009, 20:36
IŽd also recommend the Hydra.



21.November.2009, 20:47
Hello Alesz,
I can't tell you about the YGE, but about the Hydra:
The Hydra 240 really work great, I'm running them in my HPR115 at 5S and more than twice the current of a Hydro2, but they aren't foolproof:
-In case of receiver signal failure they keep the last throttle position for ~4sec, so you should use an external failsafe module
-The capacitor size is rather small, keep care not to extend the wiring length significantly and don't use them at high current with more than 5S, otherwise you have to add additional capacitors
-The BEC is whimpy and should not be used with more than 3S, (I even wouldn't use it in a Hydro1), so you need an external BEC or receiver batteries
-They have no effective self protection except their low resistance
-You should be able to do minor repairs like replacing wires or capacitors by your own, Castle only offers "flat fee" repair or replacement for 150$ which is cheap if an ESC is burnt but too expensive for minor repairs.

Best Regards

21.November.2009, 21:01
Thanks you very much, but didnt have hydra240 problems for blowing off or something?

What about Etti 150 can compare with this 2 esc or is still better choice hydra?

22.November.2009, 07:48
Comparing the 120YGE with the 240 Hydra is like compering a Golf with a porsche Boxter.
The esc has the double amperage rate.
I used the 120YGE in HB last year and it gave me no problems, but i'm not sure that the ESC can take the amperage of this seasons HB.
I'm still using it in my MonoB and had no problems the hole Season, but you have to put the extra capasitors on, without it will die in rough conditions, where you can't use full throttle most of the time.

You can use the 155YGE but i think it is a little bigger than the Hydra, if you have enaogh space this is an option.
