Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : NEU motor for hydroB

15.November.2009, 21:51
Please give me advice:

- 1512 2D (2550kV)
- 1515 1.5D (2700kv)

16.November.2009, 23:44
no help with that?

17.November.2009, 10:43
Or in other words, both will work if you exactly know what you are doing, they are on the leading edge of whats possible. You may struggle if you are not experienced enough. But nobody will take responsibility for your doing.


17.November.2009, 17:25
ok, i have 5000mAh lipos 35C, hull is Bathlett - Lindenau,
now i have Hopf Boridium (2600kV) motor with octura x440 reduced and tunned to 39mm.
Run time is 5 minutes, but i have only problem i cant get any speed more from motor, he is on maximum.

On video:

17.November.2009, 20:17
Seams to run kinda wet. Better go with the lower rpm motor. In case you have juice left, you can step up with prop size, 39mm is on the small side for a 4s hydro. 35C 5500mAh cells will fit the Naviga limits using short cables and light heat shrink.

You are allowed to get off the throttle around the corners ;). Do you own a data logger? It will help you to optimize your boat and driving style.


17.November.2009, 20:31
thx, but what you mean with "Seams to run kinda wet" ?
To much in water hydro?

17.November.2009, 21:16
Hi Alesz, (is this your name?)

compared to this video e.g. HydroB (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNzDB5_H-gE&feature=related) you seem to drag a lot of water on the straight and due to this some extra amps from the batteries.
Also your rigger is making noise (i would guess the drive shaft) this may also cost you a few seconds runtime and speed.

k r


17.November.2009, 21:18
For comparison, here's a video of a hydro 2/B run early 2008:
http://www.jags.de/jags/HB_Lauf3.avi (72MB).

17.November.2009, 21:19
what to do to solve the problem "to drag a lot of water" ?

17.November.2009, 21:23
this yellow bathlett on video is crazy, what setup he drive and where can i get some pictures of them?

17.November.2009, 22:13
Drag - adjust height and angle of strut, most likely CG, maybe sponson angle.

Yellow (slightly modified) Bathlett - in the video it ran a LMT1950/5, Schulze 18.149 (I think with water cooling), 20C 5000mAh 4s1p LiPo and a Andy Brown X442.

This year it was powered by a Neu 1512, CC Hydra240, 25c 5500mAh LiPo and a highly modified X645 - even worse. But Arne hit a buoy at a race in summer and lost one sponson. Repair will be a winter project.

But please consider: the owner and driver is one of the most experienced model boat constructor I know. He lets the boat fly to achieve such speeds. It took quite some time and understanding to reach there.


17.November.2009, 22:17
yes i have one bad pictures of the boat, and back of boat is all modified...

How can i contact this guy?